Myles & Ian skiing 2007

Myles & Ian skiing 2007
Myles & Ian Alleghe 2007

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Some photos of a wonderful day in Napoli with Carla and Ercole, thanks so much, they took us to some truly remarkable places.  The  Chapel Sanservo and the Veiled Christ is truly another one of Napoli's hidden treasures.   Other photos of beautiful Ischia and the thermal area of Sorgetto where the boiling hot thermal water meets the ocean. We will leave Ischia for a few days and head up to Lucca  spending some time in the Tuscan area, Milan and then onto Torino before heading back to Rome on the 14th where Myles will fly home to Australia.

Lunch Napoli




The island of Procida with Mount Empomeo, Ischia in the background

Ischia Porto

Ischia Porto

A house burrowed from the Tufu in Ischia

Lunch Ischia


Lunch time view Ischhia

Lunch at a restaurant Ischia

Saint Angelo Ischia

Sorgetto Bay Ischia

Saint Angelo Ischia

Ischia Porto

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