Myles & Ian skiing 2007

Myles & Ian skiing 2007
Myles & Ian Alleghe 2007

Saturday, March 5, 2011


We have enjoyed a day exploring Lucca and shopping in the historic centre.  There are some fine restaurants here specializing in the use of local Tuscan ingredients with their own take on traditional dishes.  Of course the selection of local wine to wash it down is also greatly appreciated.  Tomorrow off to explore the Garfagnana area.
                           On board the ferry leaving Ischia for Pozzuli

Dinner Lucca

In front of the famous composer, Giacomo Puccini's statue. Lucca.

Chiesa di S. Michele in Foro Lucca

Inside the Chiesa di S. Michele in Foro Lucca

The 13th century mosaic that decorates the Basilica di San Frediano, Lucca.

The Piazza Anfiteatro built from stone salvaged from the site of a Roman Amphitheater. Lucca.

The Tower Guinigi

A view of the historic centre of Lucca from the  Tower Guinigi

A view of the historic centre of Lucca from the  Tower Guinigi

A view of the historic centre of Lucca from the  Tower Guinigi

A view of the historic centre of Lucca from the  Tower Guinigi

A view of the historic centre of Lucca from the  Tower Guinigi

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